The checkout logo
The checkout module on mobile
The checkout logo
The checkout module on mobile

One Page Checkout for Prestashop 1.7 / 8+

Tax excluded

The Checkout module for Prestashop - one stop solution for perfect One page Checkout.

Compatibility: PS v1.7.4 - v8.2

Version: 3.3.12 (07.01.2025)

Author: Prestasmart

Quantity Discount You Save
2 20% Up to €51.96
3 35% Up to €136.40
Our Guarantee
Secure payment with modern SSL
Secure payment with modern SSL
Easy "Fix or Refund" policy Modules do not work as expected? We do quick fix or refund.
Easy "Fix or Refund" policy
Modules do not work as expected? We do quick fix or refund.


15+ years of experience, developing first Prestashop Checkout module back in 2009, we understand customer and e-shop owner needs try to deliver just right product, with perfect balance of performance and intuitive usage.

One page checkout module for Prestashop 1.7 and 8+ (a.k.a. TheCheckout module) - Feature highlights - what is different compared to standard Prestashop 1.7 / 8+ checkout?

  • Social login - directly built in Facebook and Google, and other social networks through free OneAll Social login
  • Layout designer - to easily setup and change position of all block, add multiple extra HTML content blocks in checkout form
  • Intuitive checkout form which keeps customer engaged - designed for better conversions - compact, avoiding cluttered, no redundant clicks, no "Save" button
  • Invoice address first concept (Invoice address is primary)
  • Payment and Shipping methods always visible, updated immediately with any change in address
  • Intuitive usage of Multiple addresses in checkout form
  • Silent registration - secret weapon to increase abandoned cart reminder success
  • GDPR, German e-commerce law and Italy electronic certified email (PEC, or SDI) compliant
  • Fully Responsive - great looking on Smartphone and Desktop
  • Support for businesses and consumer order - collecting business details on demand with separate checkbox
  • Available in any language
  • Offering easy way to customize templates, CSS and JS.
  • Module is fully compatible with the latest Prestashop 8.x and all modules from and all modules from

See the CHANGELOG for 3.3.12 version (January, 2025)

v3.3.12 - 20250106
[fix] Remaining amount to free shipping - better calculation for customer with tax excluded prices display
[fix] Remove leading zero from phone number if call_prefix is enabled
[fix-payment] tfauthorizedotnet v7.2.4 - by presta_world
[fix-shipping] relaiscolis v3.0.7 - by Calliweb
[fix] Update existing cookie->session on customer in-line registration due to PS 8 session caching
[fix] I'm business checkbox wasn't showing up in delivery address if it was disabled in invoice address
[fix] Exclude 'time' from cartSummaryBlock checksum calculation (fixes multiple cart reloads)
[fix] hideprice v1.2.2 - by idnovate
[fix-payment] Adyen v5.2.2 (cards and BLIK in popup)
[feature] Smartform company name and phone number validation
[fix-shipping] unisendshipping - parcel terminal wasn't saved and thus missing error trhown
[feature] New 'order-review' block (hidden by default)
[feature] Disable automatic address edit on addresses used in past orders

v3.3.11 - 20240911
[fix] birthday field date format according to locale
[fix-shipping] unisendshipping v2.0.1 - by UNISEND
[feature] Your order is now 0% VAT message in cart summary (enable with CSS)
[feature] New config option 'use_other_field_for_business_private'
[fix] Correctly escaping quote in address fields
[fix-shipping] geodis v1.0.3 - by GEODIS
[fix-shipping] .carrier-extra-content wasn't parsed properly on PS 8.1+
[fix-payment] przelewy24 v1.3.98 - by Przelewy24 - BLIK payment in popup mode
[fix] Emit updateCart event on quantity change / product removal
[fix-payment] revolutpayments v2.8.6 - by Revolut
[fix-payment] ps_checkout v8.4.0 - by PrestaShop
[fix] Copy phone number from invoice to delivery - fix for live update
[fix-payment] paypal v6.3.0 - by 202 ecommerce
[fix] Gift wrapping checkbox state wasn't stored
[fix] Google/FB logins were not working from login page if cart was empty
[fix] dpdbaltics - phone validation did not work when multiple dpd options were available
[fix-payment] bongooglepay v2.0.0 - by Bonpresta
[fix] Skip shipping module validation for virtual carts
[fix-payment] floapay v1.2.4 - by 202 ecommerce / Floa Bank
[fix-payment] buckaroo3 v4.2.0 - by Buckaroo (payment fee parsing)
[fix-payment] stripe_official v3.2.0 (popup mode) - by Stripe
[fix-payment] stripejs v4.6.0 - by NTS

v3.3.10 - 20240301
[feature] Copy phone number from invoice to delivery address, if phone number is disabled in delivery address
[fix-payment] datatranscw v4.0.193 - by customweb ltd
[fix-payment] redsysinsite v2.2.1 - by idnovate
[fix] Unable to set quantity from 2 to 1 using '-' button in cart summary
[fix-payment] popup mode for przelewy24's BLIK payment
[feature] New config option - 'Use old address on reorder'
[fix] Assign already used address when expanding second address form
[fix] Show 'free' carrier price when free shipping cart rule is used
[fix] Implemented new PS 8 Security password policy
[fix-payment] popup mode for paynow's BLIK payment
[fix-shipping] latvijaspastsexpresspastspostterminalslv v1
[feature] New config option - 'shipping/payment logos on the right'
[fix] Silent registration did overwrite also existing customer's first/lastname
[fix-shipping] dhlassistant v1.7
[feature] New config option 'Assign Address to Customer ASAP'
[fix] With silent registration enabled, firstname/lastname were not enforced even when set as required
[fix] Value targetting selector for payment fields wasn't quoted properly
[fix] changed google-places-autocomplete from jQuery to vanilla js implementation
[fix-payment] stripe_official v3.1.3 (redirect mode)
[feature] Google Maps address autocomplete added to PS address form
[fix-payment] Fixed earlier issue with ps_checkout after md5 ID hashes change
[feature] added support (error message propagation) for blockproductsbycountry module
[feature] improved google places autocomplete for Italy (provinces matching)
[fix-shipping] estimateddelivery v3.8.8
[fix-shipping] mijoravenipak v1.1.3
[fix] join() arguments order in PHP8 when using Smarty (shippingAddressNotice)

v3.3.9 - 20230906
[fix-shipping] dpdbaltics v3.2.15
[fix-payment] pm_applepay v2.1.1
[fix-shipping] apaczka shipping v1.1.0
[fix-shipping] lpshipping v1.0.17
[fix] With Initialize Address config option, new (empty) carts were created on /order visit
[feature] eicaptcha module support (ReCaptcha)
[feature] Added notice 'You already have an account with us. Sign in or continue as guest.' to email field.
[fix-shipping] mondialrelay 3.3.7 by ScaleDEV
[fix] Google places (autocomplete) did not trigger for second address when initially collapsed
[fix] Better context errors when checkout steps are enabled
[feature] Display effective tax rate in cart summary
[fix-payment] Paypal card payment (ACDC) in official Paypal module
[fix] Config option to display Paypal express checkout button in Log-in area
[fix] Duplicated slide-down of carrier extra information
[fix-payment] Stripe_official, implemented redirect mode
[fix] FB social login button styling and FB action on login page
[fix-shipping] fspickupatstore v3.2.1

v3.3.8 - 20230428
[fix] Allow multiple 'sticky' elements in a column
[feature] Display google and fb social login also on PS native login page
[fix-payment] Braintreeofficial v1.2.5
[fix-payment] Paypal v5.8.0
[fix-payment] Stripe_official v3.0.2
[fix-payment] Revolut payments v2.2.4
[fix-shipping] glsshipping v3.2.10
[fix] Checkout steps improvement - scrolling to errors on other pages
[fix-shipping] dpdfrance v6.1.3
[feature] Move login block to account section
[fix-shipping] Chronopost v6.4.0
[feature] Smartform integration (Czech / Slovak addresses suggestions)
[fix-payment] PayU parser
[feature] Anvanto's an_productfields module support (modify also template! cart-detailed-product-line.tpl)
[fix-payment] wallee support
[fix-payment] Stripe_official v2.5.0
[fix-shipping] Update JS's prestashop.customer.addresses used by DHL module
[feature] New config options - I am business / private also in delivery address
[fix-shipping] mondialrelay - changing delivery address (reload) fix

v3.3.7 - 20230112
[fix-payment] ps_checkout v2.21.0 parser fix
[feature] collapsible shipping / payment methods
[feature] set 'selected' class to chosen shipping/payment methods (so that it can be styled further)
[feature] improved voucher button styling and added progress bar to remaining amount to get free shipping
[feature] Google places auto-complete
[fix] silent registration creating 'Customer' from 'Guest' even when email has been already registered
[feature] checkout steps - now it's possible to set multi-step, but still 'one page' checkout
[fix-shipping] gmparcellocker v1.4.3 compatibility update
[fix] for logged-in customers, separate payment step did not set checkout_session
[fix-payment] paynow (both blik and pbl methods)
[fix-payment] postfinancecheckout v1.2.3 - by Customweb
[fix-payment] paypalpro parser fix for Firefox

v3.3.6 - 20221007
[fix-payment] checkoutcom v2.3.1 - by
[fix-payment] paypalpro v2.0.5 - by Presto-Changeo support
[fix-payment] paypal 5.7.1 support
[fix] more resilient FB login initialization
[fix-payment] a4pauthorizenet v2.0.1 support
[fix-payment] klarnapaymentsofficial v2.1.11 support
[fix] double loader displayed for dynamic blocks on initial page load
[fix-payment] paynow, unintended scroll to paynow_blik_code element
[fix-shipping] gmsparcellocker
[fix-shipping] chronopost - pickup points and map
[fix-payment] paypalfeeplus - support for fee in summary
[feature] Added remaining amount to get free shipping in cart summary
[fix] Prestashop v8 - new hook support 'displayCheckoutBeforeConfirmation'
[fix] T&C modal opened twice

v3.3.5 - 20220718
[fix-payment] Paypal express checkout shall not show as popup payment type, if there are multiple Paypal options
[fix-payment] Prestashop Checkout v2.20.1 support
[fix] Add validation for customer first/last name
[fix] New Google Identity sign-in
[fix-shipping] shipmondo pickup point validation enforced even for virtual product
[fix-shipping] upsservice dropdown point selector support
[fix] Improved virtual cart support (see views/js/examples.txt, example no.3)
[feature] Added total-weight display to the cart (hidden by default)
[fix] _getExtraAccountParams() did not consider status of checkbox
[fix-payment] multisafepay module fix ($kernel not started)
[fix-payment] blik payment (paynow module), incorrect redirection in no-button mode
[fix-shipping] inpostshipping - choose paczkomat warning was displayed even on non-paczkomat shipping option
[fix-payment] payplug v3.6.3, integration notice update (changed file path)
[fix-shipping] vp_omniva and vp_smartpost support (validation of selected pickup point)

v3.3.4 - 20220317
[fix-payment] improved support for paypal v5.5.0
[fix] bug - "Payment options on separate page" payment step was unreachable when shipping address was not visible
[fix-payment] partial unzercw support (except card payment)
[fix-payment] paynow support (Blik payment)
[fix-shipping] dpdpoland support (DPD pickup point)
[fix-shipping] inpostshipping support (Paczkomat)
[fix-shipping] pocztapolskaen support (Poczta Polska pickup point)
[fix-shipping] ruch support (ORLEN Paczka)
[fix] Fix for openresty web server not accepting value-less parameters in xmlhttp data
[fix] Added option tcGlobal_fetchAgainAfterVoucher (overridable through custom JS)
[fix-shipping] myparcelnl support
[fix-payment] mollie payments - fee display support
[fix] Variant product image in cart instead of cover image
[fix] Added tooltip to configuration for 'live' field to better explain the purpose
[fix] prestatillhomedelivery validation method failed if multiple delivery_options per cart were available
[fix] djtalbrazilianregister support (CPF, CNPJ fields support for Brazil)
[fix-payment] Adyen official v3.7.1 by Adyen
[fix] Fix number of columns in BO settings page (PS 1.7.8 fix)
[fix] EU VAT number + PS 1.7.8, fixed initial address load
[fix-shipping] shipmondo Denmark (pickup point) support
[feature] added 'after_load_callback' to shipping methods parsers
[fix-shipping] colissimo (pickup point) support
[fix] disallow order if quantity of product got suddenly below 0
[fix-shipping] tntofficiel support
[fix-payment] vivawalletofficial support
[fix-payment] Amazon Pay - remove "binary" class from amazonpay option, to allow redirect with form submit
[fix-payment] Amazon Pay (Checkout v2) - disable address edit during ongoing session

v3.3.3 - 20211007
[feature] When force_customer_to_choose_country is selected, try to guess customer's country from PS language
[fix-payment] Amazon Pay (Checkout v2) v4.0.5 by patworx
[fix-payment] zipmoneypayment support
[fix] Shipping cost wasn't hidden if 'Force customer to choose country' has been enabled in settings

v3.3.2 - 20210621
[fix] Better discount_name targeting when adding voucher, to avoid multiple discount_name fields issue
[fix-shipping] Packetery (updated support)
[fix] Endless loop on shipping method changes when MyParcel module was installed
[feature] Added new option - show Save Personal Information button
[feature] Customer's Firstname / Lastname added into account block
[fix-payment] pm_subscription support
[fix-payment] PaypalPlus (German) initialization button
[fix] VAT deduction did not work in PS 1.7.7 for customer_id = 0
[fix-shipping] omnivaltshipping - pickup point validation
[fix-shipping] itellashipping support
[fix] email validation on PHP level
[fix] arteinvoice SDI/PEC fields translations in checkout form
[fix-payment] paypal (plus), v5.4.2 update
[fix-payment] a4ppaypalpro support

v3.3.1 - 20210329
[fix] shipping methods were not updated properly when deleteFromCart ajax method was called
[fix-shipping] gmparcellocker module support (selected point validation)
[fix] Ps_Facebook isFirstCheckoutStep() error fix
[feature] Along with business-type address, now there is also private-type address (for Italy)
[fix] support for shipping module custom validation through hookActionValidateStepComplete
[fix-shipping] amcpsshipit support
[fix] dm_gdpr support
[fix] Silent registration didn't work on PS 1.7.7 (due to Customer name validation not allowing empty string anymore)
[fix] klarnapayments - wouldn't load payment block under certain circumstances
[fix] When force-country is enabled, and no country is selected yet hide states selection
[fix-shipping] prestatilldrive module support
[fix-payment] ps_checkout module support (popup mode for Paypal and Card payment)

v3.3.0 - 20201202
[fix] set Customer group as default when converting guest after silent registration
[fix-payment] paytpv module support
[fix] Paypal express checkout - filter only this payment option during session
[fix] Improved dark themes support and CSS color changes
[feature] New config option - Force customer to choose carrier
[feature] Added no-header class for blocks
[fix-payment] Amazonpay integration improvements
[fix-payment] pts_stripe module support
[fix-payment] fee parsing for cashondeliverywithfee module
[fix] T&C link did not work when extra markup was used inside of anchor tag
[fix] tax label was visible in cart even when taxes were disabled
[fix] cgma module support (Minimal order by customer group)
[fix-shipping] Inpostship module support
[fix] Dateofdelivery module support
[fix] Explicitly hide voucher (default) error - troublesome on some themes

v3.2.9 - 20200723
[fix] Update documentation with Orderfees module integration instructions
[fix] PS compatibility fix (Cookie->registerSession added to updateCustomerInContext)
[fix-shipping] Sendcloud integration fixes
[fix] General error - specific translation when related to DNI field
[fix-shipping] Furgonetka (InPost) module - pickup point selection check
[fix-shipping] Shaim Zasilkovna better integration
[fix-shipping] Packetery module integration fix

v3.2.8 - 20200710
[fix-payment] fee parsing for shaim_cashondelivery module
[fix] New option - initialize address, to avoid refreshing delivery date/time widget on address modification
[fix] At initial load, also inactive states were shown in dropdown
[fix] Added hook at personal info block - displayPersonalInformationTop
[fix-shipping] SendCloud shipping module - fixing parser for sendcloud 1.3.0 version
[fix] general_error - better reporting from form validation module (e.g. sdi/pec validation)
[fix] geotargetingpro module support
[fix] stnewsletter default pre-tick support
[fix] Improved ajaxComplete callback (loader fade-off)
[fix] Update Google sign-in tutorial link
[fix-payment] pms_gopay_extra support
[fix] HTML in Custom CSS block was stripped-off
[fix] amzpayments CSS fixes
[fix] AWP module support (front.js, manual template update still necessary)

v3.2.7 - 20200430
[fix-payment] Twintcw payment module support
[fix] Popup payment additional information added to stripe_official
[fix-payment] Postfinancecw payment module
[fix-payment] Stripe_official 2.0.8 popup mode added
[fix] static_token update fix (cart quantity couldn't be altered properly for logged in customer after account validation
[feature] Also Email field can be used in Shipping required fields - although, it's customer field (needed for relaygls module)
[fix] Keep position of DNI field when it is shown in business fields as well as consumer fields (for Italy)
[fix-payment] molliepayments module
[feature] Support for einvoice module (PEC, SDI, PA fields for Italy)

v3.2.6 - 20200217
[fix] Improved RTL languages support
[fix-payment] klarnapaymentsofficial v2.0.5
[fix-shipping] EnvoiMoinsCher (Boxtal)
[fix-payment] Payline by Monext
[fix] When DNI was enforced for country, and hidden in business fields, DNI field error wasn't shown
[feature] Support for einvoicingprestalia module (PEC and SDI fields for Italy)
[feature] New option - Separate payment step - to support Prestashop Checkout payment module
[feature] Config option - show international call prefix
[fix] Reloading checkout page with certain 3rd party modules caused address data re-set
[fix-payment] atcustompayment - payment fee parsing

v3.2.5 - 20191127
[fix] Documentation revision
[fix] Translations update (DE, FR, ES, IT, SK)
[fix-shipping] SendCloud shipping module
[fix-shipping] Mondial Relay v3.0+ support
[fix] need_identification_number from country config couldn't be disabled for (different) shipping address
[fix-shipping] omniva carrier support
[fix] refresh_minicart option was removed due to inconsistent theme support
[fix] window.prestashop JS object is now extended, keeping .on and .once functions (fix for myparcel shipping)
[feature] New config option: remove inner spaces from postcode as typed-in
[feature] Guest checkout allowed even for registered customers
[fix] Dots (without space after) in customer name are disallowed, but no error message was shown
[fix] IE11 compatibility fix - removed template literals and arrow expressions
[fix] Better support for autofill (multiple .live queries merged)

v3.2.4 - 20191010
[fix] Explicit autofill for firstname (given-name) and lastname (family-name)
[fix-payment] paypal with paypalplus v5.0.1
[fix-payment] stripe_official v2.0.5 (inline version)
[feature] Newsletter checked by default - configuration switch
[fix] Support for x13 privacy module

v3.2.3 - 20190926
[fix-shipping] myparcel shipping method - refresh the widget on carrier change
[fix] Missing street number notice disappeared in 3.2.1 (due to styling fix for at_movic theme)
[fix] Postcode and VAT number uppercase and white-spaces removal
[feature] Automatic custom fields detection (added through override in Address.php class)
[fix-payment] stripe_official v2.0.4 (inline version)
[fix] Drag & Sort of fields in BO using Firefox, sometimes redirected to (fixed in html5sortable library)
[fix] Disabled product notification / error on checkout page wasn't visible
[fix] Support for fattura24 module (Italian Indirizzo PEC and Codice Destinatario fields)

v3.2.2 - 20190917
[fix] popup() library function name renamed to avoid conflicts with other popup libs
[fix] Required checkboxes set in TheCheckout configuration worked only for non-logged customers
[feature] New option: Business disabled fields - list of fields that would be hidden for business customers

v3.2.1 - 20190907
[fix] Store also hidden payment inputs on payment block reload (to support Mollie payment methods)
[fix] Force email overlay - shall not disappear when using already registered email
[feature] Added show_product_stock_info config option, to show in-stock, out-of-stock or missing qty in cart summary
[fix] submitReorder was allowed also for non-logged in customers (from default PS core)
[fix-payment] klarnapaymentsofficial
[fix-payment] stripe_official v2.0 (popup window)
[fix-payment] creditcardofflinepayment (square bracket in name attribute)

v3.2.0 - 20190626
[feature] New checkout form styling theme - German style, clean checkout
[feature] Shipping and Payment required fields - when not filled in, these section would be inaccessible
[feature] Added possibility to hide shipping and total cost in cart summary when shipping method is not selected
[fix] Improved showing shipping to (location) in shipping area - when enabled in config
[fix] Reorganized configuration page for better readability
[fix] Unset id_state when switching from one country (that has states) to another that also has states / provinces
[fix] Improved performance on shipping refresh on checkout form v3.1.9 - 20190605 [feature] Floating save button in configuration, squeezing top navigation bar in configuration [feature] Capitalize automatically fields: firstname, lastname, address1 and city, and uppercase postcode [fix] Refresh mini-cart (available for some themes) [fix] It was possible to proceed with order if quantity decreased during cart session on background v3.1.8 - 20190525 [fix] Tax label shown incorrectly for tax exempt customers in shopping cart summary [feature] Missing street number notice [fix] Avoid customer account save if data wasn't changed [fix] Birthdate translation [fix] need_identification_number in country setup was not respected on checkout (e.g. for Italy) [fix-shipping] pakkelabels_shipping - display postnummer input box for pakkelabels shipping modules v3.1.7 - 20190412 [feature] Force email overlay - show checkout form only to customers that entered email address [feature] Checkout blocks update loader - animation on Ajax requests [feature] Email can be also made optional (auto-creating email for registration) [feature] Compact cart option (better suited for cart summary in small width column) [feature] Faster BO loading, with on-demand tinyMCE loading [feature] Improved styles for narrow columns (especially login block and social buttons) [fix] Logged in customers do not need to agree with GDPR and policy again on checkout form v3.1.6 - 20190402 [feature] Improved virtual carts, with many fields in business fields section [feature] Sticky position for cart block [fix-payment] codpro live fee display [fix] Better support for third party additionalCustomerFormFields (privacy checkboxes, etc.) [fix] Country and state combobox labels shall be marked required [fix] When 'Choose a password' is ticked, password shall be required field, regardless of guest checkout option [fix] Virtual cart support (hiding of shipping address and methods) v3.1.5 - 20190318 [fix] Carrier prices do not update on cart product quantity change [fix-payment] Paypal with fee (fee parsing and display in cart summary) [fix-payment] Paypal's Braintree card payment [fix-shipping] Zasilkovna (packetery) [feature] Show country name in shipping methods selection [feature] New config option - force_customer_to_choose_country v3.1.4 - 20190210 [fix] Postcode show/hide on country selection based on needZipCode config [fix] Business fields undefined issue when changing address directly on checkout [feature] Separate invoice and delivery addresses selection v3.1.3 - 20190201 [fix-payment] codwfeeplus live fee display [fix-payment] codfee live fee display [fix-payment] Mollie multiple payment methods [feature] Different order of checkout blocks on mobile [feature] Business fields configurable, e.g. possibility to use 'other' field as Italian 'PEC' v3.1.2 - 20190126 [fix-payment] Payline [fix-payment] Presto-Changeo Sagepay [fix-shipping] Omnivalt [fix] Endless loading of shipping and payment with some themes (early selectors init) v3.1.1 - 20181216 [fix] Implemented reorder functionality from default PS v3.1.0 - 20181211 [feature] CSS/JS cache version control [feature] Native Facebook and Google social logins [feature] 'Add new address' added as a clickable link instead of dropdown [feature] Copy invoice address vat_number and company into customer siret and company [fix-payment] Atos [fix] Quantity buttons background not visible in FF [fix] Unescape characters in order_message box (bug from PS core) v3.0.9 - 20181117 [feature] Social login integration (Oneall social login module) v3.0.8 - 20181105 First stable release, TheCheckout for PS1.7

Recommend us

We use "thecheckout" module from PrestaSmart for customers who take their e-shop seriously and want to improve the user experience - make shopping easier and thus increase the conversion rate
Dominik Ulrich, czech developer and official member of Prestashop committers team,
Quickly style checkout form and control checkout function and flow
Control every field on checkout form (visible, required)
Checkout form layout designer
Facebook and Google social login integration
Social login (Facebook & Google) integration
Company customer fields
Company / tax related fields for business customers

Product Details

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42 Reviews
Naprosto nejlepší pokladna pro prestashop. Vyzkoušeno 10 jiných košíků a tento košík co do rozsahu a nastavení nemá chybu. Pokud mám hodnotit i samotného vývojáře, Peter je výjimečný člověk, který promtně řeší jakékoliv připomínky a pomoc. Navíc nové přidání krokování pokladny, rychlost načítání, možnost vlastních úprav. Skvělý vývojář, skvělý modul, spokojenost.
Developer is responsive, and the module worth to be purchased if you want to grow your business.
This is the best OnePage checkout module. Its clean, slick, extremely functional and customisable. The support I have received from the developer is top class, very quick to respond, very quick to address the small issue we had. I strongly recommend this module to anyone who is looking to integrate a OnePage checkout module into Prestashop
Been a webmaster for 12 years and worked with a lot of module developers in past. I must say that this is one the best support I've ever encountered! Peter is so fast and professional! Also, the module is fantastic and I especially love the fact that all payment / shipping modifications are written into the Checkout's code - that makes the future updates much more easier (with other checkouts its been a constant hassle over the years). Thank you and wish you all the best for future!
Absolutely brilliant module and top class support from the developer (one of the best I have worked with).
really good module! works fine and fast, making checkout preocedure reallys simple. Strongly recommended !
Modulo Fantastico, molto intuitivo e perfettamente funzionante. Semplifica al massimo l'esperienza di Checkout e ottimizza le converisioni. Ma sopratutto un complimento speciale per l'assistenza sempre molto disponibile e professionale. Bravi Bravi

Pascal (
Der Entwickler des Modules ist sehr hilfsbereit und hat uns bei einigen Problemen mit dem Offiziellen Paypal Modul geholfen. Der Checkout selber kommt gut bei unseren Kunden an, ist sehr übersichtlich und benutzerfreundlich gestaltet. Wir können Module von dem Entwickler wärmstens empfehlen :)
Perfect module. It works with other modules such as Packeta, Balikovna, Heureka, Zbozi, ... Fast developer support if needed.

Very good module. I recommend it.
Very useful module, does what it is intended to do. Basically I tried many OPC modules but this works perfectly. Had some problems, but I have to say, support is excellent. You doing great job, keep going. Thanks
Un módulo de checkout elegante, funcional y con un gran servicio técnico para cualquier duda.
Best one page checkout module for PS. 1.7. Best on marketplace.
Excellent product. And very helpful support. Quick and reliable developer. Full recommendation
I am very happy with the module. It is modern, well developed and looks professional to clients. It has everything that you need and it can be suitable for small and large companies. Also If you have a complex modules on your existing checkout - be sure that everything will work with this module or the developer will solve to meet your needs. From my experience the developer adapted a local module for automatic postal codes, and believe me no other module or developer could provide such professional help.
genial, muy intuitivo, lo recomiendo

Super module
Super module avec différente interface et un Developpeur qui répond très rapidement à toutes nos questions. Nous avions deux modifications à faire et celle ci ont été faites super vite. De plus, le module s'intègre parfaitement avec notre thème.

The best!
Greetings from Romania -
I am very happy with this checkout, better conversions = less lost customers. Programmer always available for a question or help.
Great support!
I have been using the OPC module from Zelarg for several years. From PS version 1.5 to 1.6 and now 1.7. It works perfectly, and for PS 1.7. it has received a major design boost. It's just great work. Should there exceptionally be a problem with the module, Peter will correct it immediately. The module can clearly be recommended from here.
Great module - Nice layout - flexible design - fast and good support

It works perfectly. Fast and resolutive assistance service. Excellent in all
Very complete module and Enterprise Class support !

This module is really good, has many great options and looks nice as well. The module creator is very nice and helpful as well! Will definitely have this website in mind for future purchase as well.
Great module, easy to implement and even easier to personalize ! The support is quick to answer and very efficient !
The Checkout is a very powerful and easy to use module. It works exactly as it should and as the developer promise. I have to give special credits to the developer for the fast and efficient support for my customization needs. I definitely recommend it.

Amazing experience
This one page checkout have increased our sales and makes the experience of our site much better. It is really easy to understand as a customer, very intuitive. Our experience with support for this module is unbelievable good. It is fast, quick and always positive. We got our checkout to work with a shipping module called "Shipmondo" Or "Pakkelabels". Don't look any further for a checkout module! This is the one!

Great module
Really great module. It does not get better than this. Really helpful and dedicated support, that goes all in on support issues. Would give 10 stars to this module if possible
I am really happy with this module. You just install it and configure it very easily and you are done. You don't have to worry about anything. Support is also really fast with questions. Don't try other addons for fast checkout they have several problems.

I try many OPC, but this one is the best !!! Simple and clear to customers.
After some issues ( solved in the mean time ) this module is really working with a VAT module ( sounds so easy but this is a big issue...) The modules ONE PAGE CHECKOUT and AUTO-VALIDATE VAT NUMBER IN CUSTOMER GROUP are fully compatible and solve a great issue for European end-users who must sell in their countries but also export. I wanted to provide for my clients a comfortable and fast One Page Checkout responding to all VAT demands for European export and local sales. I paid for other pair of modules but only waste my money.. Finally, our site is perfect working using the above pair of module. It is tested. I recommend its. Don't waste your money too !
Le module correspond complètement à ce que je recherchais. Il est souple et flexible. J'ai eu quelques difficultés à l'installer, mais le support du module a été très réactif et sympathique. Il a tout de suite marché ensuite. Je suis très satisfait. -- (Translated from French) The module is completely what I was looking for. It is versatile and flexible. I had some difficulties installing it, but the module support was very responsive and friendly. They immediately solved issues. I am very satisfied.

Nejlepší modul pro jednostránkovou objednávku
Používal jsem OPC od tohoto autora několik let pro Prestashop 1.6 a byl jsem maximálně spokojen - výborný design i funkce. Nyní jsem upgradoval eshop na 1.7 a proto jsem instaloval novou verzi OPC pro PS 1.7.6. - tato nová verze je dotažená ještě dál a je naprosto perfektní. Funguje naplno hned na první pokus a nabízí volbu několika vzhledů, které měníte jen snadným přepnutím v administraci. Dobře funguje volba pro firmy, rozlišuje se IČO i DIČ, to dřív nebylo u PS jednoduché. Lze zvolit, jestli je primární fakturační nebo dodaci adresa, to také dříve nebylo. Výborná funkce je možnost editace polohy všech prvků na OPC stránce - můžete si je přeházet a zařadit podle potřeby. Neznám OPC modul, který by se k tomuto alespoň vzdáleně přiblížil. -- (Translated from Czech) I have been using OPC by this author for several years for Prestashop 1.6 and I was very satisfied - great design and features. Now I upgraded the eshop to 1.7 and therefore I installed a new version of OPC for PS 1.7.6. - this new version is tightened even further and is absolutely perfect. It works fully on the first attempt and offers a choice of several skins that you can change by simply switching in administration. The option for companies works well, it is possible to distinguish between the company registration number and the tax identification number. You can choose whether it is your primary billing or shipping address, it wasn't possible before either. An excellent feature is the ability to edit the position of all elements on the OPC page - you can shuffle and show them as needed. I do not know an OPC module that would approach this one at least remotely.
This checkout module is simply awesome. So flexible and configurable. Functions and looks great.
Absolutely brilliant. A well designed and coded module that just works! No overrides, looks modern, no glitches. Just can't fault it in any way and hands down blows every other OPC module out of the water.
This OPC is just the best in his kind don’t look further this is the One, the skills of the developer are very high and service are the best, He made The Checkout even better than the previous one for 1.6 The Checkout is compatible with the European VAT number from Pestashop, Myparcel module, PayPal AW with a fee and more. I also like the street nr. Forget function and the “I am a business customer” check box. It have many options you have never thought about it, that make this module the best.
Great plugin: easy to install and use, elegant style... Before purchase the developer answered all my questions, with great kindness and competence

Best module I have seen in a while!
This is really great module, I am quite picky but this one exceeded my expectations, great job Peter!

A fast, complete module with a great impact on the site and conv
A fast, complete module with a great impact on the site and conversions. Customer support is nothing short of spectacular! Professional and prepared people! 100% RECOMMENDED
I tried to simplify checkout in my store but all solutions for PrestaShop 1.7 had something not intuitive or unable to set the way I want to work. Unless I found "The Checkout". It's so clear, simple to understand both for shop owner and client. It has so many different options to set so you can easily modify it to suit your needs. It has 3 default styling and all of them are really modern. The way you can style it's so powerful - you do it directly in the module and can style all the elements. I also want to underline how helpful was helpdesk - they spent a lot of time to fix the problem even it was caused by my store configuration. I really recommend "The Checkout". For me it was so called game changer!
The best module I have used I recommend it a lot.

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